The two won the Open the Twin Gate championship from inaugural champions Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino on February 8, 2008, successfully retaining the titles twice before dropping them to Ryo Saito and Susumu Yokosuka on May 5.
On July 1, 2001 he defeated Mochizuki for the British Commonwealth Junior Heavyweight Championship and on August 14, he, Dragon Kid and Ryo Saito won the UWA World Trios Championship from Crazy MAX.
Ryo Noda | Yoot Saito | Ryo Saito | Ryō Horikawa | Takao Saito | Takako Saito | Seigo Saito | Saitō Makoto | Saito Kinen Festival Matsumoto | Saitō Dōsan | Ryoei Saito | Makoto Saito | Chiho Saito | The Million Ryo Pot | Tamaki Saitō | Takumi Saito | Saitō Yoshitatsu | Ryo Takamisaki | Ryo Owatari | Ryo Okumoto | Ryo Mizuno | Ryo Kawasaki | Minoru Saito | Masato Saito | Masaki Saito | Kunihiko Ryo | Hitohiro Saito |
TNT teamed with Masaaki Mochizuki and defeated Super Shisa and Super Shenron, then teamed with Ryo Saito and defeated Shingo Takagi and Jack Evans and finally teamed with K-ness and Lupin Matsutani and was defeated by the team of Taka Iwasa, Akira Tozawa and Keni'chiro Arai.