The band has performed for the former President of the Republic of Singapore, S. R. Nathan, and taken part in the National Day Parade 2001, together with Commonwealth Secondary School Band.
Nathan Bedford Forrest | Nathan Lane | Nathan Hale | Nathan Milstein | Starboy Nathan | Nathan | Nathan Fillion | Nathan the Wise | Nathan Englander | Nathan's Famous | Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Nathan East | Nathan Appleton | Lionel Nathan de Rothschild | Nathan Scott | Nathan Phillips Square | Nathan Phillips | Nathan Lawr | Nathan Carter | Nathan Barley | John Nathan-Turner | William Nathan Wrighte Hewett | Nathan Zuckerman | Nathan Stoltzfus | Nathan Rennie | Nathan (prophet) | Nathan Parseghian | Nathan Mumm | Nathan McCullum | Nathan George Evans |
After graduation, Nathan clerked for Simon Sobeloff on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, whom he cites as one of his greatest mentors.
He was initially interested in a career in journalism, serving as Editor-in-Chief of the The Johns Hopkins News-Letter, as a sportscaster on the school radio station, and as a summer intern at The Baltimore Sun.
Nathan is board certified and holds Fellow status in the American College of Physicians and the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Nathan then served as the Internal Medicine Dept Head at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In the 1950s he worked for a period as chair of Americans for Democratic Action and in this role was openly critical of Eisenhower's conservative policies.