Also anchored in the ER membrane is SCAP (SREBF-cleavage activating protein), which binds SREBF1.
Though the rest of Occupied Japan continued to use regular Japanese yen throughout the Occupation, military scrip was introduced in Okinawa because, even at that time, the US military government intended to continue occupation of Okinawa long after ending it in the Home Islands.
The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of installed software and hardware, missing security patches, anti-virus status, and NIST SCAP security configurations (USGCB, FDCC) and displays the results in a Web browser.
Following the end of World War II, Kobayashi was sharply attacked by leftists for his collaboration with the Japanese military, but the US occupation authorities never filed any charges against him, and he was not even purged from public life.
#INSIG1 plays an important role in the SREBP-mediated regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis: by binding to the sterol-sensing domain of SCAP (SREBP cleavage activating protein) it makes the SCAP/SREBP complex stay longer in the ER, thus prohibiting SCAP from carrying activated SREBP to the golgi complex.
M. Margaria teamed up with M. Launay to build the SCAP beginning in 1912.
The South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services has tested a TNC-SCAP integration combination in a pilot program.
He assumed the position previously held by linguist Robert King Hall at the Civil Information and Education Section of GHQ/SCAP in Japan, where he promoted the adoption of the phonemic Kunrei-Shiki style of romanization of Japanese (rÅmaji), and supervised studies on the feasibility of widening the use of romanization in Japan.
Examination of the Influence of Japanese Culture and the Failures of Economic Reforms Proposed by Supreme Command Allied Powers (SCAP) Economic Missions from 1947 to 1949, on High Rates of Personal Savings in Japan by Nancy Collisson / EALC MA Thesis.
Her thesis, An Examination of the Influence of Japanese Culture and the Failures of Economic Reforms Proposed by Supreme Command Allied Powers (SCAP) Economic Missions (1947 to 1949) on High Rates of Personal Savings in Japan, is relevant to the Japanese post-war economic miracle.
In addition to S1P and S2P, the regulated release of transcriptionally active SREBP requires the cholesterol-sensing protein SREBP cleavage activating protein (Scap), which forms a complex with SREBP owing to interaction between their respective carboxy-terminal domains.