
3 unusual facts about SDL

C string handling

The lack of GNU C library support has not stopped various library authors from using it and bundling a replacement, among other SDL, glib2, ffmpeg, rsync...


Ektron primarily competes with Adobe, HP, Oracle, SDL, Sitecore and other Web Content Management System providers

Web Services Description Language

It was built by combining two service description languages: NASSL (Network Application Service Specification Language) from IBM and SDL (Service Description Language) from Microsoft.




The current graphics code uses the SDL library, which has led to Exult being ported for Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, Sharp Zaurus, Microsoft Windows Mobile, and other operating systems aside from the original "free *NIX" platforms (such as FreeBSD and GNU/Linux).

Fijian municipal election, 2005

The results were considered a disappointment for the United Fiji Party (SDL); their first-ever win in Lami was more than off-set by their defeat in Nasinu, whose population is much larger.

Isireli Tuvuki

He did in fact contest the election, but made only a token bid to retain his seat, as the SDL had selected Ratu Josefa Dimuri as its main candidate.

Josaia Waqabaca

The Fiji Sun quoted Waqabaca on 16 March as saying that in late February, he had been confronted by Cabinet Minister Ted Young and rebuked for not joining the ruling Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua (SDL), and later by the businessmen who had planned the bombing of Nadi airport, who had forced him to sign a denial of his earlier media plans.

Josateki Nawalowalo

On 29 March 2006, Nawalowalo expressed interest in contesting the Kadavu Fijian Communal Constituency for the ruling Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua Party (SDL), but ended up withdrawing in favour of the incumbent, Konisi Yabaki.

Josefa Vosanibola

The SDL campaign director, Jale Baba, intervened to ensure that Vosanibola was renominated, over the objections of the local party hierarchy, Fiji Village reported on 12 April.

Programming Linux Games

It is primarily notable due to the fact it was co-authored with Loki Software, a company that ported games to Linux between 1998 and 2002 and was the primary steward of SDL at that time.

Śląska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

The Silesian Digital Library (SDL) was initiated by the founding Agreement between the Silesian Library in Katowice and the University of Silesia signed on July 20, 2006 by Prof. Janusz Janeczek (Rector of the University of Silesia) and Prof. Jan Malicki (Director of the Silesian Library).

Soqosoqo Duavata ni Lewenivanua

The election was a bittersweet experience for the SDL; they gained a majority in their own right in Suva, but lost control of Nasinu, Fiji's largest municipality.

see also