Mid 20th century rifles such as the American M14 and the Russian SKS, fitted with polished wood stocks, chrome plating and other decorative finishes, are common ceremonial weapons for honor guard units.
Andres Raya, a U.S. Marine on leave after coming back from Iraq, was armed with an SKS rifle and opened fire on officers, hitting Officer Ryno and killing Sergeant Stevenson.
Wilson initiated a traffic stop of Allen's van, when Allen opened the rear doors and opened fire with an SKS semiautomatic assault rifle.
Many military surplus Soviet SKS were converted into hunting weapons by the "Hammer" factory in Vyatskiye Polyany (Russian: Вятско-Полянский машиностроительный завод «Молот»); these were labeled OP (OP = охотничье-промысловый, "hunting and fishing").
There is also a Chinese Type 56 Carbine, a copy of the SKS, but as the SKS design is only semi-automatic and the AK-47 design is select fire, the AK-47 design would make a far better starting point.
SKS | SKS Microfinance |
Pete Raymond (SKS 1964), US Olympic rower 1968 and (silver-medal) 1972
Leaving the knife in the body of the girl, he pulled a Chinese-made SKS semi-automatic rifle out of his duffel bag and shot around the café, killing several more people.
Inspired by the Grameen model of Muhammad Yunus he started the SKS Microfinance (SKS stands for Swayam Krishi Sangam) to eradicate poverty and with an approach to profitability.