
unusual facts about SPORT magazine

W. C. Heinz

He was a regular contributor to magazines such as SPORT magazine, Life, The Saturday Evening Post, Esquire, “True", "Collier's", and Look. The best of his magazine and newspaper pieces are published in his books "American Mirror" and "What A Time It Was: The Best of W.C. Heinz on Sports.

see also

David M. Granger

After graduate school, Granger held positions as executive editor of Adweek and Mediaweek; he worked on the launch of The National Sports Daily and served as its executive features editor; he helped launch Sports, Inc., the Sports Business Weekly, and worked as an editor at Sport Magazine and Family Weekly prior to that.

Johnny Podres

Podres was given the first-ever World Series MVP Award by Sport magazine and presented with a red two-seater Corvette.

Norm Hadley

Stormin' Norman was later named in Britain's glossy Total Sport Magazine (August 1997 issue, "The Blood and Guts, Hard Issue") as one of the World's 12 Toughest Sportsmen alongside Lance Armstrong and F1 racer Johnny Herbert.