
5 unusual facts about SPSS

Expenditure and Food Survey

Another change has occurred with the use of a new processing software, SPSS, which has affected the structure of the datasets.

Life expectancy

Analyses and forecasts using this approach can be done with any common statistical/ mathematical software package, like EViews, R, SAS, Stata, Matlab, or SPSS.


Predictive Analytics SoftWare (PASW), another name for SPSS statistical analysis software

Poisson regression

SPSS: In SPSS, Poisson regression is done by using the GENLIN command

Standardized coefficient

Some statistical software packages like PSPP, SPSS and SYSTAT label the standardized regression coefficients as "Beta" while the unstandardized coefficients are labeled "B".


SPSS | SPSS Inc. |

Java GUI for R

Although unlike Rcmdr, RKWard, Rattle or PMG, JGR provides no statistical menu-driven facilities, recently a GUI on top of JGR has been developed: Deducer aims to be an intuitive graphical data analysis system in some respects similar to SPSS or Minitab.


In the book "SPSS For Dummies", the author discusses PSPP under the heading of "Ten Useful Things You Can Find on the Internet".

Public health informatics

The need to extract usable public health information from the mass of data available requires the public health informaticist to become familiar with a range of analysis tools, ranging from business intelligence tools to produce routine or ad hoc reports, to sophisticated statistical analysis tools such as DAP/SAS and PSPP/SPSS, to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to expose the geographical dimension of public health trends.


The company was started in 1968 when Norman Nie, Dale Bent, and Hadlai Hull developed and started selling the SPSS software.

see also