Originally a half-hour production, in 1955 the show expanded to an hour and began to emphasize dramatized versions of real-life contemporary events (including the sinking of the SS Andrea Doria and a documentary on the history of Communism in the Soviet Union.
In 1956, while sailing to Paris to take a job in the magazine's bureau there, Dean photographed the sinking and the rescue of passengers from the ocean liner SS Andrea Doria.
Mrs. Dickson was one of the survivors of the SS Andrea Doria, the Italian passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic in 1956.
George finds out he can't get his apartment because the tenant association is going to give it to an SS Andrea Doria survivor.
Andrea Bocelli | Andrea Palladio | Andrea Mantegna | Andrea de Cesaris | Andrea Mitchell | Andrea Doria | Andrea Alciato | Andrea Martin | Andrea Chénier | Andrea Zittel | Andrea Zanzotto | Andrea Camilleri | Andrea Olivero | Sant'Andrea | Andrea Pirlo | Andrea Moda S921 | Andrea Hewitt | Andrea del Sarto | Andrea Corr | Andrea Casiraghi | SS Andrea Doria | Pier Andrea Saccardo | Andrea Romano | Andrea McArdle | Andrea Maffei | Andrea Arnold | Andrea Angiolino | SS ''Andrea Doria'' | Maud Doria Haviland | Marco Doria |
For technical divers there are fewer wrecks that have attracted widespread popularity, although for years the SS Andrea Doria was regarded as the "Mount Everest" of wrecks to challenge the diver.