
unusual facts about STIM

Birgit Ridderstedt

Ridderstedt also wrote songs of her own in the early 1950s which have been registered with STIM.



Kings of Sleep

The title of the album and many of the songs were inspired by the novels and short stories of William Gibson, including Neuromancer ("Black Ice" and "Terminal Beach" are both references from that novel), Count Zero (referring to the name of the novel as well as the hacker handle of one of the protagonists), and the short story The Winter Market (Kings of Sleep is the name of a fictional stim-album in that story).

Mike Got Spiked

This built a cult following of fans nationally, gaining the band 26,000 friends and hundreds of thousands of plays on their Myspace page between 2006 and 2008 as well as performances on "NTV", Nebraska's state TV station and on southern California's "Stim TV".

Nordisk Copyright Bureau

NCB is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and is owned by the collecting societies in the Nordic countries; KODA (DK), STEF, STIM (SE), Teosto (FI) and TONO (NO).

see also