
3 unusual facts about Saad Nomani

Saad Nomani

In Houston, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee gave a special congressional certificate to Sheikh Saad Nomani, recognizing his services to keep the art of Qirat alive and taking it to the next upper level.

He has also travelled extensively to other parts of the world including USA, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Netherland, Belgium, Italy, South Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and other Gulf States.

“My office made sure that a person of Sheikh Nomani’s stature receives the best possible welcome, where an officer of the immigration received you at the gate. His Goodwill Tour of USA is most important in the times we live in. More persons of Sheikh standing need to come to USA,” said Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, as she arrived to the program directly from airport.

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