The SABER Radar is a project of the Brazilian Army, with the objective of developing 100% Brazilian technology air defense radars.
radar | Consistori del Gay Saber | Doppler radar | Radar | Silent Radar | saber | Royal Signals and Radar Establishment | Royal Radar Establishment | Weather radar | weather radar | synthetic aperture radar | History of radar | doppler radar | Active Phased Array Radar | Volumetric Imaging and Processing of Integrated Radar | Synthetic aperture radar | Super Dual Auroral Radar Network | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission | Saber of London | Saber noise | Radar Records | Radar Men from the Moon | radar jamming and deception | Radar cross-section | radar cross-section | RADAR | Pulse-Doppler radar | Over-the-horizon radar | Opana Radar Site | On Your Radar (album) |