
unusual facts about Sacraments


In Roman Catholic usage, when commonly called an ambry, it is traditionally located in the sanctuary (as in, the altar area) of a church or in the Baptistery, and is used for the storage of the oils used in sacraments: Oil of catechumens (indicated by the Latin letters O.C.), Oil of the Sick (O.I.), and Sacred Chrism (S.C.).

Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Charity

Bishop Victorino C. Ligot of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Fernando de La Union filed the ecclesiastical Petition to the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship in Rome for the canonical coronation of the statue, with the collaboration of Jose D. Aspiras, who helped restored the old belfry.

Church of the Province of Melanesia

The church in its canons accepts and teaches the seven sacraments of the Church, Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

These classes not only educate children about Jesus and the Catholic faith but prepare children to receive the sacraments of Penance (confession), the Eucharist (Holy Communion), and Confirmation.

Fragments of a Cope with the Seven Sacraments

Fragments of a Cope with the Seven Sacraments refers to a 15th-century cope in the collection of the Historical Museum of Bern.

Frederic Nausea

When the Council was reopened at Trent in 1551 Nausea was present, taking an active part in its deliberations, especially on the Sacraments.

Gaspard Terrasson

He appealed repeatedly against the papal bull Unigenitus; he was the anonymous author of twelve "Lettres sur la justice chrétienne" (Paris, 1733), in which, to support the Jansenists whom the bishops deprived of the sacraments, he endeavoured to prove the inutility of sacramental confession.

Luther's Large Catechism

The catechism, Luther wrote, should consist of instruction in the rule of conduct, which always accuses us because we fail to keep it (Ten Commandments), the rule of faith (Apostles' Creed), the rule of prayer (Lord's Prayer), and the sacraments (Baptism, Confession, and Communion).


The presbyterium is most visible during the ordination of new priests and bishops and the Mass of the Chrism: the Holy Thursday Mass where the blessing of the oils used in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders takes place.

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity

While they are not ordained and thus do not celebrate the Sacraments, they serve in a variety of important apostolates according to the talents of each brother.

Thomas F. Torrance

This integration of doctrine began for Torrance with the Nicene homoousion (the fact that the eternal Son was and is one in being with the Father and Spirit in eternity and with us by virtue of the incarnation), and included the doctrines of the Trinity, Creation, Incarnation, Atonement, Eschatology, Pneumatology, the Church and the Sacraments as well as a theology of ordained Ministry.

see also