Safed | Terence Koh | Koh-i-Noor | Tommy Koh | Koh Kong Province | Koh Tang | Koh Poh Koon | Koh Lay Huan | Koh Kong | Koh Buck Song | KOH | Koh Tsu Koon | KOH test | Koh Kong (city) | Koh Ker | Koh-i-Baba | Jennifer Koh | Janice Koh | Gerald Koh |
The butterfly is found in the Himalayas from Shingarh, (Zhob, Safed Koh, Kurram, Gilgit, Chitral, India (Kumaon, Bhutan, Sikkim and Chumbi valleys) eastwards across to Abor valley, north Myanmar, west China and southeast Tibet .