
unusual facts about Saint Wilfrid


A council was convened by King Aldfrith of Northumbria at Austerfield in 702,which was then on the boundary between the two Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Northumbria and Mercia, attended by Berhtwald, Archbishop of Canterbury to decide on whether Saint Wilfrid should become Archbishop of York.

Dunbar Castle

In 678 Saint Wilfrid was imprisoned at Dunbar, following his expulsion from his see of York by Ecgfrith of Northumbria.

St. Wilfrid Club

The founders named the club in honor of Saint Wilfrid (c.633 - c.709), an influential English bishop known for his strong advocacy of sacred music.

see also


A few important Anglian centres in Bernicia bear names of British origin or are known by British names elsewhere: Bamburgh is called Din Guaire in the Historia Brittonum; Dunbar (where Saint Wilfrid was once imprisoned) represents Dinbaer; and the name of Coldingham is given by Bede as Coludi urbs ("town of Colud"), where Colud seems to represent the British form, possibly for the hill-fort of St Abb's Head.

Selsey Bill

There have been many wrecks off Selsey Bill over the years; probably one of the first recorded was Saint Wilfrid who when appointed Archbishop of York went to Compiègne in France, to be consecrated.