While the number of Salesians is not large in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the order has one educational centre there in the town of Žepče.
The institution was initiated and largely financed by the South Australian Government’s Austraining International and AusAID in partnership with Salesians in East Timor, the Australian Salesian Mission Overseas Aid Fund and East Timor’s SEFOPE – the government agency responsible for vocational training and employment.
He was ordained Priest on May 10, 1982 after which he stayed in Neuquén and Bahía Blanca becoming Director of School "La Piedad", belonging to the Order of the Salesians until 1990 when he was appointed Director of Colegio Don Bosco in the same city of Bahía Blanca.
Tyranowski is buried in the Church of St. Stanislaus Kostka which is administered by the Salesians in Kraków's district of Dębniki.
Finarte Collection – Rome: Painting of Saint Francis de Sales preaching to the Salesians;
Salesians are also active in publishing and other public communication activities, as well as mission work, especially in Asia (Siberia - in the Yakutsk area), Africa, and South America (Yanomami).