
10 unusual facts about Salvador Allende


Hortensia Bussi (1914-2009), widow of assassinated Chilean President Salvador Allende and political exilee

Erik Durschmied

Durschmied interviewed many international figures, including John F. Kennedy, Salvador Allende, David Ben-Gurion, and Saddam Hussein.

Larry Birns

Before founding the Council in 1975, Birns taught at Hamilton College and served with a United Nations mission in Chile during the Salvador Allende government.

Lars Gule

The US-backed coup against Salvador Allende's government in the Chile in 1973, was highly important in this development.

Marinaleda, Spain

The new council removed street names associated with the Civil War victors and substituted names more honoured among the people: thus Muñoz Grandes street became Che Guevara street, the plaza of Spain became the People's plaza, the plaza of Francisco Franco was renamed for Salvador Allende, etc.

Omara Portuondo

In 1974 she recorded, with guitarist Martin Rojas, an album in which she lauds Salvador Allende and the people of Chile a year after the military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet.

Óscar Hahn

In the next year, 1973, his life would change dramatically, due to political developments in his home country; on 11 September of that year, during the Chilean coup of 1973 he was detained by the newly installed military government of Augusto Pinochet, which had displaced the progressive government of the democratically-elected leader Salvador Allende.

Roberto Souper

Lt. Colonel Roberto Federico Souper Onfray is a Chilean military officer who launched an unsuccessful coup d'état against the Marxist regime of Salvador Allende, surrounding the presidential palace with a tank regiment.

Salvador Allende Monument, Montreal

The monument dedicated to the memory of Salvador Allende was installed in Parc Jean Drapeau, on Île Notre-Dame in Montreal on September 11, 2009, the 36th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile and Salvador Allende's death.

Vicente Botín

In 1971 he travelled across the whole continent as on-the-scene reporter for different broadcast Media and from Chile he was one the first Spanish journalist enterviwed President Salvador Allende.

Bodeguita del medio

It is a famous tourist destination because of the personalities which have patronized it: Salvador Allende, the poet Pablo Neruda, the writer Ernest Hemingway, the artist Josignacio and many others.

Carlos Altamirano

During Salvador Allende's government, he had a very strong discourse, calling to "advance without compromise" (avanzar sin transar — that might be compared to Marceau Pivert's tout est possible, "everything is possible", during the 1936 Popular Front in France).

City of the Beasts

City of the Beasts (La ciudad de las bestias in Spanish) is the first young adult novel by Chilean-American writer Isabel Allende, whose first cousin once removed is Salvador Allende, a former president of Chile.

Jaime Lusinchi

In addition, he struck up friendships with prominent figures in local politics, such as the Christian Democrat Eduardo Frei Montalva and democratic-socialist leaderSalvador Allende.

New Democratic Left

FRAP supported Salvador Allende in the 1964 presidential election, whereas NID supported Eduardo Frei.

Puerto Montt

The massacre of Puerto Montt and the public outcry that followed were major factors contributing to the defeat of Eduardo Frei's party in the Chilean presidential election of 1970 and was thus succeeded by Salvador Allende's Unidad Popular.

Rafael Manriquez

It was the time of socialist president Salvador Allende, and performances by foreign artists from like-minded movements such as Cuba’s Silvio Rodríguez and Pablo Milanés were commonplace at musical events supported by the Allende regime.

Taksim Square massacre

The Hotel International, from which the shots were fired, belonged to ITT Corporation, which had already been involved in financing the September 11, 1973 coup against Salvador Allende in Chile and was on good terms with the CIA.

United Socialist Workers' Party

These militants formed the Starting Point group in Salvador Allende's Chile, only to find themselves dispersed in 1973 when Allende's government was overthrown.