As president he gave generous concessions to the banana companies along the north coast, namely to Sam Zemurray's Cuyamel Fruit Company.
He and his family made generous donations to Tulane University, the Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School, and to other philanthropic ventures, including the Zionist movement through his personal acquaintance, beginning in the 1920s, with Chaim Weizmann.
Sam Neill | Sam Cooke | Sam Shepard | Sam Phillips | Uncle Sam | Sam Raimi | Sam Houston | Sam Brownback | Yosemite Sam | Fort Sam Houston | Sam's Club | Sam Peckinpah | Sam Mendes | Sam Waterston | Sam Worthington | Sam & Dave | Sam Taylor-Wood | Sam Houston State University | Sam Kelly | Sam Bush | Sam Zell | Sam Spade | Sam Milby | Sam Wood | Sam Wanamaker | Sam Walton | Sam Snead | Sam Rockwell | Sam Phillips (singer) | Sam Malin |