
2 unusual facts about Sambas

Pangeran Ratu Winata Kusuma of Sambas

Pangeran Ratu Winata Kusuma of Sambas (Official name Pangeran Ratu Winata Kusuma ibni al-Marhum Pangeran Ratu Muhammad Taufik, September 25, 1965 - February 1, 2008) is a sultan of Sambas.

Sambas Treasure

The Sambas Treasure is a hoard of ancient gold and silver buddhist sculptures found near the town of Sambas in west Borneo that now form part of the British Museum's collection.


Sambas |


In the west, the development of such sultanates of Sambas, Sukadana and Landak tells a similar tale of recruitment among Dayak people.

see also