
2 unusual facts about Samuel Argall

Passapatanzy, Virginia

It was recorded as a Patawomeck village ruled by Japazaws, elder brother of the weroance, who conspired with Englishman Samuel Argall to capture Chief Powhatan's daughter, Matoaka (Pocahontas) on April 13, 1613.

Stafford, Virginia

English sea captain, Samuel Argall abducted the Pamunkey princess, Pocahontas near this area on April 13, 1613 while she was residing with her Patawomeck husband, Kocoum in an attempt to secure some English prisoners for release and ammunitions held by her father.

Habitation at Port-Royal

In May, 1613 the Jesuits moved on to the Penobscot River valley and in July, the settlement was attacked by Samuel Argall of Virginia.

see also