
unusual facts about Samuel Bochart

Johannes Heinrich Ursinus

His Arboretum Biblicum which appeared in 1663, was the first attempt of note to create a concordance of botanical references in the Bible, and predated the Hierozoicon, a zoological compendium of biblical animals, of Samuel Bochart.

Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller

He also published editions of Samuel Bochart's Hierozoicon (1796) and Robert Lowth's treatise on Hebrew poetry, De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum Praelectiones Academicae (1815).


The opinion that Javan is synonymous with Greek Ion and thus fathered the Ionians is common to numerous writers of the early modern period including Sir Walter Raleigh, Samuel Bochart, John Mill and Jonathan Edwards, and is still frequently encountered today.

see also