Alex Quartararo (callsign "Crashdown") is a fictional character in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series, portrayed by Samuel Witwer.
Starkiller was voiced by and given the likeness of Samuel Witwer.
The character's likeness and voice are provided by Samuel Witwer.
Samuel Beckett | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Samuel Johnson | Samuel Pepys | Samuel L. Jackson | Samuel R. Delany | Samuel Barber | Samuel Goldwyn | Samuel | Samuel Alito | Samuel Butler | Samuel Ramey | Samuel Morse | Samuel Gompers | Samuel de Champlain | Samuel Sewall | Samuel Richardson | Samuel Hill | Samuel Fuller | Samuel Purchas | Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount Hood | Samuel Foote | Samuel Butler (novelist) | Samuel Sánchez | Samuel Rogers | Samuel Rivera | Samuel Pierpont Langley | Samuel J. Tilden | Samuel Gridley Howe | Samuel Franklin Cody |