
unusual facts about Samuelson's inequality

Properties of polynomial roots

It is possible to determine the bounds of the roots of a polynomial using Samuelson's inequality.

Arnold E. Samuelson

During this campaign, Samuelson's crew was the first group of Allied photographers to document Nazi crimes and the plight of concentration camp prisoners at Lenzing and Ebensee, two subcamps of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

Azuma's inequality

In probability theory, the Azuma–Hoeffding inequality (named after Kazuoki Azuma and Wassily Hoeffding) gives a concentration result for the values of martingales that have bounded differences.

Ben Samuelson

Also, Samuelson is the brother of British actress and former Dynasty star Emma Samms.

Ben Wylie Samuelson (born 7 April 1972) was in charge of the PR and marketing for British sports car manufacturer TVR from 1993 until 2005, and is the brother of the British television actress Emma Samms.

Block design

A fundamental theorem, Fisher's inequality, named after the statistician Ronald Fisher, is that b ≥ v in any 2-design.

California Lutheran University

Some North side facilities include: Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center, Samuelson Aquatic Center, Ullman Baseball Stadium and George Sparky Anderson Baseball Field, Hutton Softball Field, William Rolland Stadium (opened Fall 2011), Facilities Building and Yard, and a community pool for the City of Thousand Oaks.

Hardy space

For 0 < p ≤ q ≤ ∞, the class Hq is a subset of Hp, and the Hp-norm is increasing with p (it is a consequence of Hölder's inequality that the Lp-norm is increasing for probability measures, i.e. measures with total mass 1).

Jensen's inequality

Tristan Needham (1993) "A Visual Explanation of Jensen's Inequality", American Mathematical Monthly 100(8):768–71.

Johan Frederik Steffensen

Steffensen's inequality and Steffensen's method (an iterative numerical method) are named after him.

Lagrange's identity

Since the right-hand side of the identity is clearly non-negative, it implies Cauchy's inequality in the finite-dimensional real coordinate spacen and its complex counterpart ℂn.

Laura Quilter

She has worked at the Exploratorium, the Brennan Center Free Expression Policy Project at NYU, and the Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic at UC Berkeley, is a contributor to Chilling Effects, and created the Fair Use Network.

Orion Samuelson

Samuelson has held the same job in the broadcasting industry for 50 consecutive years, second only to Los Angeles Dodgers Radio Network announcer Vin Scully.

Orion Samuelson was honored at the 2010 Wisconsin Corn/Soy Expo in Wisconsin Dells.

Paul Samuelson

In 2003, Samuelson was one of the ten Nobel Prize winning economists signing the Economists' statement opposing the Bush tax cuts.

Pedoe's inequality

"A Two-Triangle Inequality", Daniel Pedoe, The American Mathematical Monthly, volume 70, number 9, page 1012, November, 1963.

In geometry, Pedoe's inequality, named after Daniel Pedoe, states that if a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides of a triangle with area ƒ, and A, B, and C are the lengths of the sides of a triangle with area F, then

Peter Samuelson

Peter Samuelson is an American and British TV and film producer and educator, and founder of the Starlight Children's Foundation.

Pinsker's inequality

The inequality in the above form was proved independently by Kullback, Csiszár, and Kemperman.

Wirtinger's inequality for functions

: For other inequalities named after Wirtinger, see Wirtinger's inequality.

see also