
unusual facts about Samye

Karma Thinley Rinpoche

Throughout the 1950s, Rinpoche made pilgrimages to Radeng, Samye, Sakya and Lhasa.


Samye |

Great Debate

The Great Debate, also called the Council of Lhasa or the Council of Samye, a decisive debate in Tibetan Buddhism from 792 to 794

Guru Nanak

He returned from Lhasa and went to the famous monastery Samye and entered Pemoshubu Menchukha in Arunachal Pradesh.

Kim Ho-shang

Tibetan King Khri srong lde btsan (742–797) invited the Ch’an master Mo-ho-yen (whose name consists of the same Chinese characters used to transliterate "Mahayana") to transmit the Dharma at Samye Monastery.

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