
5 unusual facts about San Lorenzo Nuovo

Acaste Bresciani

He was Parish assistant at San Lorenzo Nuovo since 1905, where he also filled the position of bursar vicarious for two times.

Capodimonte, Lazio

Capodimonte borders the following municipalities via the common border, the lake: Bolsena, Gradoli, Latera, Marta, Montefiascone, Piansano, San Lorenzo Nuovo, Tuscania, Valentano.

Jacopo Zucchi

Two canvases, representing the Ascension and Resurrection, are housed in the church of San Lorenzo Martire in San Lorenzo Nuovo (Italy).

Joseph of Leonessa

Devotion to him is mostly local to central Italy; churches at Otricoli and San Lorenzo Nuovo contain paintings of him.

Lake Bolsena

On the northern rim of the caldera is San Lorenzo Nuovo ("New Saint Lawrence"), which was moved from an older site (a hypothetical San Lorenzo Vecchio, "Old Saint Lawrence") further down the slope to avoid malaria.

see also