In 1972 he joined Hewlett-Packard veteran Tom Perkins to found Kleiner Perkins, the venture capital firm now headquartered on Sand Hill Road.
Together with other engineers, they began work in a small office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California.
The annual rent in the area around Sand Hill Road peaked at around $144 (USD) per square foot ($1550 per m2) in mid-2000; at the time, this was higher than rates in Manhattan and London's West End.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, North Carolina | One Tree Hill | One Tree Hill (TV series) | King of the Hill | Abbey Road Studios | Chapel Hill | Silk Road | Hill Street Blues | Parliament Hill | Capitol Hill | Notting Hill | road | Cypress Hill | Broken Hill | Mill Hill Missionaries | George Sand | Faith Hill | Harry Hill | Broken Hill, New South Wales | Road Rules | Abbey Road | Road to Perdition | Grange Hill | New Circle Road | Lauryn Hill | Benny Hill | road racing | Jinshajiang Road Station | Castle Hill |