Agnes Keith House, also known as Newlands - two-storey home of local author Agnes Newton Keith and her husband Harry Keith (Conservator of Forests and Curator of the North Borneo Museum).
It is related to the Karayuki-san, the poor Japanese girls sold to work overseas as prostitutes, in Southern China, the Pacific island areas, such as Sandakan on Borneo.
Outside of these two places where the missionaries live ten stations are visited: Sibu, Kanowit, Igan, Oya, Mukah, Baram, Papar, Jesselton, Putatan, and Sandakan.
In addition to the landings at Miri, the Japanese forces made landings at Seria, Kuching, Jesselton and Sandakan between 15 December 1941 and 19 January 1942.
This then led to the progressive establishment of more Liaison Centers in East Malaysia, namely, Kota Kinabalu, Tenom, Sandakan, Tawau, Kuching and Miri.