
5 unusual facts about Sandhill Crane

Allensworth, California

Of great interest, thousands of Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis), use this refuge each winter from November through March.

Kelly Church

Inspired by the Woodlands Style of painting created by Norval Morrisseau, Kelly paints characters from her tribes' oral histories, such as Nanabozho, or the wildlife native to Michigan, such as Sandhill Cranes.

Othello, Washington

Since 1998, Othello has also been home to the Sandhill Crane Festival, celebrating the annual arrival of Sandhill Cranes to the nearby Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.

Sandhill Crane

This breeding flock is divided between the Audubon Institute's Species Survival Center and White Oak Conservation in Yulee, Florida.

The Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge—established in 1975 when fewer than 35 of the birds existed—has the biggest release program for cranes on the planet, and 90% of the cranes seen there were raised in captivity.

Hastings, Nebraska

The museum currently houses the Lied Super Screen Theatre, McDonald Planetarium, and local and regional exhibits including the largest diorama of whooping and Sandhill cranes in the world.

Platte River

The central Platte River valley is an important stopover for migratory water birds, such as the Whooping Crane and Sandhill Crane, in their yearly traversal of the Central Flyway.

Saint John's Arboretum

Water birds, birds of prey, shore birds, warblers, and many other kinds of birds can be found here, including many rare species such as Sandhill Cranes, Red-shouldered Hawks, Cerulean Warblers, and others.

see also