
3 unusual facts about Sandmännchen

Jul i Skomakergata

A part of the show consists of showing a clip from Sandmännchen (Jon Blund in Norwegian) which tells children about the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Mein Herz brennt

The opening line of the song's intro and chorus ('"Nun, liebe Kinder, gebt fein Acht. Ich habe euch etwas mitgebracht" 'Now, dear children, pay attention. I have brought something for you') is taken from the 1950s German children's TV show Das Sandmännchen (The Little Sandman).

Pikku Kakkonen

It finished with a bedtime story read by Lasse Pöysti and an East German Sandman animation, setting the format for hundreds of later episodes.


Sandmännchen |

Augsburger Puppenkiste

Worth mentioning are the numerous episodes for the German kids' program Sandmännchen (little sandman) (1962–1982), 'Die Museumsratten' (the museum rats) (1965–1972), 'Ich wünsch' mir was' (I'm wishing for something) (1968–1970), 'Wir Schildbürger' (1972), 'Natur und Technik' (nature and technology) (1972–1976) and Ralphi (2004–2006).

see also