
2 unusual facts about Sandoy


The island's surrounding bird cliffs and steep slopes have been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because of their significance as a breeding site for seabirds, especially Northern Fulmars (50,000 pairs), Manx Shearwaters (5000 pairs), European Storm Petrels (50,000 pairs), European Shags (150 pairs), Great Skuas (15 pairs), Atlantic Puffins (70,000 pairs) and Black Guillemots (400 pairs).


Skálavík, Skaalevig, Skalevig, Skålevig, is a village and municipality on the eastern coast of the Faroese island Sandoy.


Sandoy | B71 Sandoy |

Jens Pauli Heinesen

William Heinesen and Jørgen Frantz Jacobsen wrote in Danish, other Faroese writers, who wrote novels in Faroese were born thirty years before Jens Pauli Heinesen: Heðin Brú (1901–87) from Skálavík on Sandoy and Martin Joensen (1902–66) from Sandvík in Suðuroy.

SS Westerbeek

They stopped in Skúvoy but were not so welcome there, so they continued to the island of Sandoy, where they were warmly welcomed in the village Skálavík.

see also