
4 unusual facts about Sandra Maischberger

Global Marshall Plan Initiative

Supporters of the initiative include Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Hubert Weinzierl (BUND), Rita Süssmuth, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Franz Josef Radermacher, Jakob von Uexküll, Ulrich Martin Drescher, Renée Ernst, Sandra Maischberger (all from Germany), Josef Riegler, Franz Fischler (Austria), Prince El Hassan bin Talal (Jordan), Vandana Shiva (India), Jane Goodall (UK) and approximately 5000 supporters from Germany and Austria.

Sandra Maischberger

The bear designed by Maischberger in homage to the sculptures of Niki de Saint Phalle was auctioned in 2003 at Mercedes World at the Salzufer in Berlin.

Born in Munich, Maischberger spent five years of her childhood in Frascati, near Rome, Italy and also grew up in Garching, near Munich.

In 2001, Maischberger and many other famous Berliners took part in the street art activity Buddy Bear Berlin Show.

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