Sandro Botticelli | Sandro Vigliano | Sandro Rosell | Sandro Pertini | Sandro Penna | Sandro Mazzola | Sandro de América | Sandro Damilano | Bruno Munari | Sandro Paternostro | Sandro Magister | Sandro Ivo Bartoli | Sandro Henrique Alves Soares | Sandro Gamba | Sandro Foda | Sandro del Prete | Sandro Bertaggia |
Three cars are featured in the game; Didier Auriol's sixth generation Toyota Celica and Juha Kankkunen's Lancia Delta HF Integrale which are both available from the start, and Sandro Munari's Lancia Stratos HF which can be unlocked.