Santo Domingo | University of Santo Tomas | Espírito Santo | Santo Antão | Santo Tomás District | Santo Antão, Cape Verde | Santo Tomás District, Chumbivilcas | Espiritu Santo | Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo | Santo Cilauro | Santo Ângelo | Rector Magnificus of the University of Santo Tomas | Santo Tomás District, Luya | Santo Biasatti | Franco Di Santo | Espirito Santo | Vitória de Santo Antão | University of Santo Tomas College of Education | Santo Trafficante, Jr. | Santo Tomás | Santo Stefano Ticino | Santo & Johnny | Santo Domingo (Ecuador) | Santo Antônio do Aventureiro | Santo André | Santo Amaro | Espirito Santo Trophy | Vila Real de Santo António Municipality | University of Santo Tomas Field | University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery |
Jimmy Hoffa, president of the Teamsters Union, and mobsters Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Charles Nicoletti, and Santo Trafficante Jr.—all of whom say Hoffa worked with the CIA on the Castro assassination plots—top the list of House Select Committee on Assassinations Mafia suspects.
Santo Trafficante, Sr. (1886–1954) Sicilian-born mobster, and father of the powerful mobster Santo Trafficante, Jr.
Santo Trafficante, Jr. (1914–1987) Powerful Tampa, Florida-born mobster, son of mobster Santo Trafficante, Jr.