
3 unusual facts about Sarajevo Tango

Sarajevo Tango

The book is dedicated to innocent victims of Sarajevo siege and Bosnian war, moreover, copies of this work have been sent to various politicians, UN and government officials, artists, journalists and celebrities in the world, some of whom being portrayed in it as active participants like UN officials, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Yasushi Akashi, general Lewis MacKenzie, or British diplomat lord David Owen, often under slightly modified name though.

English language copy-rights of the book were awarded to Strip Art Features.

The book is also dedicated to Karim Zaimović (Strip Art Features 1996 edition, page 2), a young journalist and publicist killed in Sarajevo during the siege by shell launched from Serbs mortar, and in part to Ervin Rustemagić, Hermann’s personal friend and survivor of Sarajevo siege.

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