
3 unusual facts about Sardi's

Alex Gard

He contributed weekly drawings to the drama section of The New York Herald Tribune, and was hired to create caricatures of Broadway and other celebrities at Sardi's Restaurant in New York City.

Bright Lights of 1944

Act one is set in Sardi's, a New York City Theater District restaurant, where two producers are planning a show.

Tony Honors for Excellence in Theatre

2004: The cast of the 2003 Broadway production of Big River; Nancy Coyne, chief executive of the theater advertising agency Serino Coyne; restaurateurs Frances and Harry Edelstein of Cafe Edison and Vincent Sardi, Jr. of Sardi's; photographer Martha Swope.

Giuseppe Sardi

Although Sardi's name has been connected with several churches in and around Rome, one of the mostly securely attested of his commissions is the addition of a new façade to the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in the Foro Boario in Rome.

Go-fast boat

The film, directed and produced by Silvio Sardi and narrated by Andy Garcia, won Best Documentary at the Beverly Hills Film Festival after a premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.

Orlando Sardi de Lima

An agricultural engineer from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Sardi has also served as President of Proexport from 1998 to 2000, and has been in the directives of various private and public firms including Winchester Oil & Gas, Comagro, Banco Ganadero S.A, Bancóldex, and the Colombian Institute of Agricultural Marketing (Idema), he also worked in the presidential campaigns of Andrés Pastrana Arango, and Juan Manuel Santos.

see also