
unusual facts about Sassanid Persia


Arbayistan was a Sassanid Persian satrapy in Late Antiquity, which reached across Upper Mesopotamia toward the Khabur river and north to the lower districts of Armenia.

Decline of the Byzantine Empire

General Flavius Belisarius under Justinian I in the early 6th century made a serious attempt to recover the western half; however his gains were short-lived and poorly planned out – resources and troops that could have been used to defeat the Persians were diverted forcing the Byzantines into tribute and diplomacy to deal with this Eastern threat.

Peter the Patrician

In this capacity, he was one of the leading ministers of Emperor Justinian I (r. 527–565), playing an important role in the Byzantine emperor's religious policies and the relations with Sassanid Persia; most notably he led the negotiations for the peace agreement of 562 that ended the 20-year long Lazic War.

see also