
5 unusual facts about "Master of Ceremonies". from the book '':s:Persia

Atandwa Kani

He also served as Master of ceremonies for the 46664 "Legacy" Bangle, alongside Tokyo Sexwale and Hlubi Mboya.

Ego trip's Miss Rap Supreme

In ego trip's Miss Rap Supreme, contestants compete to win the title of next great female MC.

Juliana Evans

Juliana Sophie Evans (born July 5, 1989) or commonly known as Juliana Evans is a Malaysian actress, TV personality, Emcee, and model.

Master of ceremonies

The current papal Master of Ceremonies is Monsignor Guido Marini who succeeded Archbishop Piero Marini to whom he is not related.

Master Shortie

Theo Jerome Kerlin (born 7 May 1989) is a British MC who is credited by his stage name Master Shortie.


Abaqa Khan (1234–1282), ruler of the Mongol Ilkhanate, based in Persia

Ahmad Shah Qajar

In 1917, Britain used Persia as the springboard for an attack into Russia in an unsuccessful attempt to reverse the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Aksumite currency

By the time coins were first minted in Aksum, there was widespread trade with Romans on the Red Sea; Kushana or Persian influence also cannot be ruled out.

Albert A. Rollestone

There is no evidence that Mr. Rollestone ever visited Persia or even met the visionary President of Alborz College, Presbyterian missionary Dr. Samuel M. Jordan.

Arlequin Mahomet

As he is flying over Persia, he sees a young man about to kill himself because his true love, the Princess of Basra, is to be married to the Kam of the Tartars (played by Pierrot from La Foire de Guibray).

Artaxerxes I of Persia

After Cimon's failure to attain much in this expedition, the Peace of Callias was agreed between Athens, Argos and Persia in 449 BC.

Ashraf Hotaki

Ashraf Khan's death marked the end of Hotaki rule in Persia, but the country of Afghanistan was still under Shah Hussain Hotaki's control until Nader Shah's 1738 conquest of Kandahar where the young Ahmad Shah Durrani was held prisoner.

Atiq Mosque, Awjila

The Arabs launched a campaign against the Byzantine Empire soon after Muhammad died in 632, quickly conquering Syria, Persia and Egypt.

Bahá'í Faith in Moldova

During that time the history stretches back to 1847 when the Russian ambassador to Persia, Prince Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov, requested that the Báb, the herald to the Bahá'í Faith who was imprisoned at Maku, be moved elsewhere; he also condemned the massacres of Iranian religionists, and asked for the release of Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith.

Battle of Pelusium

Battle of Pelusium (343 BC), second battle fought between Achaemenid forces under Artaxerxes III (the Ochus) of Persia and pharaoh Nectanebo II, leading to defeat of Egyptian forces and the start of second Persian period in Egypt

Bengal Engineer Group

World War I: La Bassée 1914, Festubert 1914 '15, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, Aubers, Loos, France and Flanders 1914–15, Megiddo, Sharon, Damascus, Palestine 1918, Aden, Kut al Amara 1915 '17, Ctesiphon, Defence of Kut al Amara, Tigris 1916, Baghdad, Khan Baghdadi, Sharqat, Mesopotamia 1915–18, Persia 1918, North West Frontier India 1915 '16–17, Baluchistan 1918;

Biblical place names in Khorasan

Early Islamic usage regarded the area east of western Persia (Jibal, also known as Persian Iraq) as part of the poorly-defined region of Khurasan, extending to the Indus River and Sindh.

Bombay Engineer Group

In the 19th century and prior to World War I, the Bombay Sappers served in Arabia, Persia, Abyssinia, China, Somaliland; in India fought in the Mysore, Maratha and Anglo-Sikh Wars; fought in the aftermath of the Mutiny in Mhow, Jhansi, Saugor and Kathiawar and many times over in the Punjab, North West Frontier Province and Afghanistan.

Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

It was established in 1885 with a concession from the government of Persia to Baron Julius De Reuter, under a Royal charter from Queen Victoria.

Charles Chipiez

Chipiez with the help of architect, hellenist, and architectural historian Georges Perrot wrote some of the most detailed description of the architectural achievements of the ancient world in such places as Egypt, Greece, Persia, Lydia, Lycia and Assyria.

Christopher Borough

On the return of the open weather in April 1581, the traders to Persia set out on their homeward journey, and arrived at Rose Island, near St. Nicholas, on 16 July.

Christopher Landon

After the war he wrote several novels including: A Flag in the City (1953), his first novel which was about WWII British intelligence in Teheran and their plans to destroy Germany's fifth column operations in Persia; Stone Cold Dead in the Market; Hornet's Nest; Dead Men Rise Up Never; and Unseen Enemy (aka The Shadow of Time).

Cornelis de Bruijn

Leaving the borders of the Russian state, de Brujin arrived to Persia, where he made drawings of towns like Isfahan and Persepolis (1704–1705).


Martyr Sa'adaats are believed to have been migrated from the area of Babun Nahar Persian city of Iran.

Elizabeth Marrero

In this performance, Marrero presents five different characters, including the matriarch and slightly alcoholic Petronelia, the B-boy MC DJ Guilly-Guiso-Jugo, the hip hop supermarket cashier Wakateema Shaquasha de la Rodriguez, and Macha, a suave Latino crooner that loves women.

Friedrich von Bodenstedt

He took the opportunity of his proximity to Persia to study Persian literature, and translate and publish in 1851 a volume of poetry under the fanciful title, Die Lieder des Mirza Schaffy (English trans. by E. d'Esterre, 1880).

Hamadan Province

During the Parthian era, Ctesiphon became capital of Persia, and Hamedan became the summer capital and residence of the Parthian rulers.

King Shapur

Shapur III - the eleventh Sassanid King of Persia from 383 to 388

Kingdoms of Elfin

The stories range across various traditional lands of Europe and beyond, including Brocéliande in Brittany, Elfhame in Scotland, Mynydd Prescelly in Wales, the Forest of Arden and Bury St. Edmunds in England, and as far away as the Peris of Persia.

Kurdish recognition of the Armenian genocide

During the Van resistance, Armenians who left via Persia took defense positions in the Bargiri, Saray and Hosap districts of Van Province.


From this position he attacked the coastal cities of Iran (Persia) - which at that time was in civil war, due to a dispute as to the succession - even raiding the birthplace of the Sassanid kings, the province of Pars (Fars).

Liar paradox in early Islamic tradition

Athīr al-Dīn Mufaḍḍal (b. ʿUmar Abharī, d. 663/1264) was a Persian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician from the city of Abhar in Persia.

Maserati 5000 GT

The first car in the Tipo 103 series, was the Shah of Persia, delivered to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had been impressed by the Maserati 3500.

Middle East

These were followed by the Hittite, Greek and Urartian civilisations of Asia Minor, Elam in pre-Iranian Persia, as well as the civilizations of the Levant (such as Ebla, Ugarit, Canaan, Aramea, Phoenicia and Israel), Persian and Median civilizations in Iran, North Africa (Carthage/Phoenicia) and the Arabian Peninsula (Magan, Sheba, Ubar).

Murad Kostanyan

Murad Kostani Kostanyan (August 25, 1902, Havtvan, Salmas, Persia - January 3, 1989, Yerevan) was an Armenian actor, People's Artist of Armenia (1956).

Nicky Ryan

They currently reside in Killiney, Ireland, and have two daughters, Ebony and Persia.


This alignment was opposed a coalition of two other powers, Persia and Eastern Turkic Kaganate, which brought about the first world wars of the 7th century Early Middle Ages.

Operation Matterhorn

That same month, the first Superfortresses arrived in India, having flown across the Atlantic Ocean using the South Atlantic Transport route from Morrision Field, Florida to Natal, Brazil then across to North Africa, then to Arabia, and Persia.


After the prophet Mohammed and his testator heir and successor Abu Bakr (+634) established the theocratic rule of Islam on the mostly of the sparsely populated Arabian peninsula, the armies of the next caliphs victoriously planted the green banner of the new religion in the vast territories conquered from the neighboring giaur (infidel) empires of Persia and Byzantium.


The 7" single features a monologue about Max Headroom being scared and unable to sleep (hence "Paranoimia", a portmanteau of "paranoia" and "insomnia"). The 12" has a completely different vocal with Headroom as a master of ceremonies, talking about the music and introducing the band (which he claims comprises Peter O'Toole, Martina Navratilova, Cher and the Pope).

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke

With his brother, Charles Yorke, he was one of the chief contributors to Athenian Letters; or the Epistolary Correspondence of an agent of the King of Persia residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War (4 vols., London, 1741), a work that for many years had a considerable vogue and went through several editions.


Pozantı has successively passed though the hands of Hittites, Persians, Alexander the Great, Rome and Byzantium.

Prince of Persia: The Graphic Novel

Prince of Persia: The Graphic Novel is a graphic novel based on the franchise created by Jordan Mechner.


He captured Khiva in 1506 and in 1507 he swooped down on Merv (Turkmenistan), eastern Persia, and western Afghanistan.

Roger Sedarat

In his poetry, he frequently crosses the post-modern American tradition with the classical Persian tradition, reproducing his hybrid identity in his verse.


After his death, his son Kai Khosrow, eventually became the ruler of Persia and was among the most magnificent and benevolent rulers according to Shahnameh.

Sir Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baronet

He argued that Tsarist Russia would attack and absorb Khokand, Bokhara and Khiva (which they did) and would invade Persia (present-day Iran) and Afghanistan as springboards to British India (Meyer 154).

Star of Artaban

The name of the gem is based on the tale of Artaban, a wise man from Persia who set out to meet the Three Wise Men and purchased three great gems, one of which was a sapphire, to present as a gift to the newborn king.

Symphonische Dichtungen aus Persien

Hossein Dehlavi – Suite of Bijan & Manijeh (Based on National Epic of Persia Ferdowsi's 'Shahnameh')


In 1739 however, following the Battle of Karnal, the province was ceded to Nadir Shah of Persia, after which Thatta fell into neglect as the Indus river started to silt up.

USAT Thomas

USAT Thomas was a United States Army transport ship, launched as the SS Persia in 1894, having been built for the Hamburg America Line's service to New York.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Other lands not explored as thoroughly but still frequently mentioned include the fragmented lands of Estalia and Tilea, fashioned after Spain and the city-states of Renaissance Italy respectively, and Araby, a mixture of Arabic Caliphate and Persia.

Wolfram Hoepfner

He participated in excavations in Alzey, under the direction of Wilhelm Unverzagt, in the Kerameikos in Athens ( Dieter Oly and Gottfried Gruben ), in Persia ( Heinz Luschey ), Bithynia and in Commagene (Friedrich Karl Dörner).

see also

Aida Mohamed

Aida trained for 23 years at the MTK sports club in Budapest, with fencing master Antal Solti.

Albert, Duke in Prussia

A member of the Brandenburg-Ansbach branch of the House of Hohenzollern, Albert's election as Grand Master had brought about hopes of a reversal of the declining fortune of the Teutonic Knights.

Alexander Neckam

In particular he draws many ideas from the philosophical writings of the Salernitan medical master Urso of Calabria, particularly De commixtionibus elementorum on humoral theory.

Arjun Ray

He holds a master's degree in Defence Studies from the University of Madras, and he has attended the Higher Command Course and the National Defence Course at the National Defence College, New Delhi.

Artūrs Irbe

At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Irbe was Latvia's flag-bearer in the opening ceremonies.

Brian Jean

Jean has a Bachelor of Science degree from Warner Pacific in Portland, Oregon, a Master of Business Administration degree and a Bachelor of Laws degree from Bond University in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

Bryan Keith-Lucas

In 1965 he was appointed professor of government at the new University of Kent at Canterbury, and from 1970 to 1974 he was Master of Darwin College, Kent.

C. Vann Woodward

After receiving his Master's degree in 1932, Woodward worked for the defense of Angelo Herndon, a young African-American Communist Party member who had been accused of subversive activities.

Celle di Macra

The churches of San Giovanni has a 1496 polyptych by the Flemish master Hans Clemer, who worked in the court of the Marquis of Saluzzo.

Charles Abdy Marcon

In 1891 he took over from William Henry Charsley as Master of Charsley's Hall, Oxford, with the result that it was renamed Marcon's Hall.

David Trick

Trick holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from York University, a Master of Arts from Brandeis University, a Master of Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from the University of Toronto.

Denis Sanders

He won two Academy Awards, the first for Best Short Subject in 1955 for A Time Out of War that had served as his master's degree thesis at U.C.L.A. and which he co-scripted with his brother Terry Sanders; and the second for Best Documentary in 1970 for Czechoslovakia 1968.

Dorothy Collins

In the late 1940s, she contributed vocals to the revived Raymond Scott Quintet, a sextet that released records on the bandleader's own Master label and served as house band on the radio program Herb Shriner Time.

DR Congo at the 2012 Summer Olympics

On the day after the closing ceremonies, four members from the national delegation were reported missing in London: judoka Cédric Mandembo and his coach Ibula Masengo, boxing coach Blaise Bekwa, and athletics coach Guy Nkita.

Fanta Régina Nacro

She received her first degree in audiovisual science and techniques from INAFEC in 1986 and also earned a Master’s Degree in Film and Audiovisual Studies at the Sorbonne.

Frank Karel

He graduated from the University of Florida in 1961 and later received a master’s degree in public administration from New York University in 1983.

Georg Glockendon

As a member of the Glockendon family of artists, he was the father of miniaturist and woodcutter Albrecht, who took over the family workshop, and master illuminator Nikolaus.

Helen Waddell

She followed her BA with first class honours in English with a master’s degree, and in 1919 enrolled in Somerville College, Oxford, to study for her doctorate.

Ian Beausoleil-Morrison

He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Master's of Applied Science from the University of Waterloo, and a Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

Jean Jacques Surian

Recently it was noticed while exposing in 2004 a series of painting in Aix-en-Provence on the Divine Comedy of Dante (see some examples on fr:Wikipedia) and took part in 2006 in "the Cézanne year" with an exposure to the museum of the tapestries of Aix-en-Provence, where it reinterpreted the work of the Master of Aix, with much of affection, freedom and creative intelligence.

Joan Roget

According to the Catalan optometrist and amateur historian Simon de Gualleuma, Juan was married to Juana of Malaville and migrated to the Catalan town of Girona, Spain, where he worked as a master spectacle maker.

Joseph Owades

Born in Manhattan and raised in the Bronx, he graduated from City College of New York (undergraduate) and Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (Master’s and PhD in biochemistry, with a dissertation on cholesterol).

Katsura Sunshine

On September 1, 2008, Sunshine was accepted as an apprentice to the rakugo storytelling master, Katsura Bunshi VI (then named Katsura Sanshi), and subsequently received the name Katsura Sunshine.

Ladislav Kubík

He graduated from the Prague Academy of Music, receiving his Master's Degree in 1970 and the title "Aspirante", a degree considered equivalent to the Doctor of Musical Arts.

León, Nicaragua

In the 18th century the present Church of la Merced was erected with drawings attributed to Mercedario Friar Pedro de Ávila and conducted by master builder Pascual Somarriba.

Logie Awards of 1988

Daryl Somers from Hey Hey It's Saturday was the Master of Ceremonies for the first time.

Margaret Bird

Ms. Bird received her Bachelor's Degree in Theoretical Mathematics from Vanderbilt University and her Master's Degree in Economics from the University of Utah.

Master Pandemonium

Young Avengers members Wiccan and Speed (while searching for their mother the Scarlet Witch) encountered Master Pandemonium in their mother's former home in Leonia, New Jersey (incorrectly stated to be in Cresskill, New Jersey).

Mats Bergman

He's successfully shown his range in several different theatre productions, a.o in Almqvist's Drottningens juvelsmycke, Bulgakov's Mästaren och Margarita (The Master and Margaret), Brecht's Tolvskillingsoperan (The Threepenny Opera), Botho Strauss' Rummet och tiden, Molière's Misantropen (Le Misanthrope) and Brecht's Den goda människan i Sezuan.

Mitchell Feigenbaum

In the Angel (TV series) episode, "A Hole in the World", doctoral candidate Winifred "Fred" Burkle (portrayed by Amy Acker) is shown to have a stuffed bunny named Feigenbaum (whom she refers to as the "master of chaos").

Nicola Francesco Haym

His career began as a cellist in Italy, and he arrived in London in 1701: he swiftly became master of the 2nd Duke of Bedford's chamber music.

Order of St. Andrew

He witnessed first hand the awards ceremonies for England's Order of the Garter and Austria's Order of the Golden Fleece and noticed the loyalty and pride of the awardees.

Osuwa Daiko

Formed in Okaya, Japan in 1951 and founded by Daihachi Oguchi, Osuwa Daiko created a style of performance independent from performance during festivals, theatrical performance, and religious ceremonies, and transformed them into an ensemble performance.

Paul Oslington

Paul Oslington studied at James Ruse Agricultural High School and Macquarie University before completing a Master of Economics/Econometrics with Honours and PhD in Economics from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor of Divinity from Melbourne College of Divinity.

Paul Steenhuisen

He attended master classes and individual lessons with Mauricio Kagel, Helmut Lachenmann, Jean-Claude Risset, Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, Brian Ferneyhough, Frederic Rzewski, Magnus Lindberg, and others.

Pumuckls Abenteuer

It is a sequel series to 1980s TV series Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl (Master carpenter Eder and his Pumuckl) and the cinematric movie Pumuckl und der blaue Klabauter (Pumuckl and the blue Klabauter).

Ram Singh Thakur

Ram Singh was recruited in the 3rd Battalion PAC at Lucknow Uttar Pradesh in 1948 by Shri Jagdish Prasad Bajpai Commandant - 3rd Bn. PAC, and later was promoted as the Band Master in the Rank of Inspector.

Raphael Cotoner

It was during Raphael's tenure as Grand Master that the Italian Baroque artist Mattia Preti started work in Valletta's St. John's Co-Cathedral.

S. Narasinga Rao

He then moved to McMaster University in Canada where he received a second Master of Science degree in 1969 followed by a PhD in biophysics in 1973 from the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, through Center for Crystallographic Research, Roswell Park Memorial Institute.

Samuel Kwok

In 1991 Master Kwok invited both Grandmasters Ip Chun and Ip Ching to the UK, to held their first joint seminars across the country.

Sara Moulton

She began working in restaurants immediately, first in Boston, Massachusetts, and then in New York City, taking off time only for a postgraduate apprenticeship with Master Chef Maurice Cazalis of the Henri IV Restaurant in Chartres, France, in 1979.

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

Degree programme in International Business (BBA), Master's Degree programme in International Business Management (MBA) and Degree programme in Nursing (RN).

Shanghai Institute of Visual Art

Guest lecturers and professors include Asia's most renowned actor Jackie Chan, “Michelangelo of Modern Times” fresco artist Rainer Maria Latzke, Beowulf and Spider-Man movie animator Sing-Chong Foo, Japanese manga master Makoto Ogino, the creator of the “Peacock King”, and renowned painters Carlos Morell Orlandis and Piers Maxwell Dudley-Bateman.

The Best of Mickey Hart: Over the Edge and Back

#"Call to All Nations" (Philip Glass, Hart, Hidalgo, Hussein) – 5:13 – previously unreleased; recorded for the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Summer Olympics

The Phantom Carriage

The film was a powerful influence on the later Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman who also utilised the figure of Death in The Seventh Seal, where the referring to him as a "strict master" is a reference to The Phantom Carriage.

The Sugarhill Gang

Bob Sinclar collaborated with Wonder Mike and Master Gee on his 2009 release "Lala Song".

Thomas Glazier

Thomas Glazier of Oxford (fl. 1386-1427) was a master glazier active in England during the late 14th and early 15th century; he is one of the earliest identifiable stained glass artists, and is considered a leading proponent of the International Gothic style.

Thomas Wardlaw Taylor

From 1872 to 1883 he was Master of Chancery, and from 1883 to 1887 puisne judge of the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench.

Von Plötzke

Heinrich von Plötzke (also Henry of Płock, d. 1320), Land Master of Teutonic Prussia (1307–1309), Prussian Grand Commander (1309-1312) and then till 1320 Marshall of the Order of the Teutonic Knights.

Wehhui Tom Liu

He obtained his bachelor degree from Nanjing Medical University and his master's degree from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Tsinghua University, then worked as a surgeon at the Cancer Institute & Hospital and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.