The Battle of Sentinum (295 BC) was the decisive battle of the Third Samnite War, fought in 295 BC near Sentinum (now next to the town of Sassoferrato, Italy), in which the Romans were able to overcome a formidable coalition of Samnites, Etruscans, Umbrians, and their Gallic allies.
The Church and the convent gallery contain works by Luca Giordano, José de Ribera, Guido Reni, Francesco Solimena, Sassoferrato, Andrea Sabbatini, Francanzano, Beinaschi, and other artists.
Salvi e Piccola Europa} diplomas from the Italian Sassoferrato's city as well as the silver medal.
He engraved a: Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the Fountain after Il Garofalo; The Penitent Magdalene after Bartolomé Esteban Murillo; Madonna del Rosario after Sassoferrato; and Aurora and Cephalus after Annibale Carracci.