
4 unusual facts about Saula


In 2141, however, the discovery of Saula changed the public opinion in favor of EHI and shortly afterwards it became one of the most influential and prestigious organizations on the planet.

Escape Attempt

After landing successfully on the planet (which they named Saula after Repnin), the explorers soon discover a local human civilization, as well as the predicted Wanderers' traces.

Leonid Gorbovsky

Although their interests barely interesected (Bader was exploring the satellites, while Gorbovsky landed on the planet hoping to find a Wanderers' city on the surface), both of them were able to understand each other and create a s.c. "Wanderers' Road" list - a list of star systems, where the traces of Wanderers' activities were most like to be found (e.g. Saula was on that list, too).


Never actually described in any book, this project was presumably initiated in 2141 AD, right after the discovery of Saula and the reactivation of IEH.


Saula |

see also