In the Musée des Blindés at Saumur an AMX 50 is shown, a combination of the last cast hull and the Tourelle D.
Turretin is especially known as a zealous opponent of the theology of the Academy of Saumur (embodied by Moise Amyraut and called Amyraldianism), as an earnest defender of the Calvinistic orthodoxy represented by the Synod of Dort, and as one of the authors of the Helvetic Consensus, which defended the formulation of double predestination from the Synod of Dort and the verbal inspiration of the Bible.
Giraud II of Montreuil-Berlay (died c. 1155) was a twelfth-century feudal lord of Montreuil-Bellay, near Saumur in France.
The Interloire is a French train service run by TER Centre and TER Pays de la Loire linking Orléans to Le Croisic via Blois, Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, Saumur, Angers and Nantes.
He was educated at Zürich and at Saumur (where he graduated), studied theology at Orléans under Claude Pajon, at Paris under Jean Claude and at Geneva under Louis Tronchin, and was ordained to the ministry in his native place in 1683.
Josué de la Place (also, Josua Placeus; c. 1596 – August 17, 1665 or possibly 1655) was a French theologian who was born at Saumur.
At the age of thirteen he entered the Oratory and for some years was professor of literature in various colleges of the congregation, of theology at Saumur, and finally in the seminary of Saint Magloire, in Paris, where he remained until his death.
The club does not compete in league cricket and thus most of its fixtures are friendly matches against a variety of opponents – from teams in the Reading area (including Leighton Park School's 1st XI) through to sides in the club's current touring destinations: the East Midlands, Norfolk and Saumur, France.
The pious Withenoc then gave up his secular responsibilities in about 1082 to become a monk at Saumur, and, because his own son Raterius and his brother Baderon were also monks, the responsibilities fell on Baderon’s son, William.
A new school for officers from all the cavalry regiments was set up at Saumur, managed and supervised by the "Corps Royal des Carabiniers" - since its inception the school has been hosted in the carabinier regiment's quarter of the town, latterly in a magnificent 18th century building.
The Château de Gizeux is situated some fifteen kilometres north of Bourgueil and 25 kilometres from Saumur, within the green and wooded parc naturel régional de Loire-Anjou-Touraine.
His provincial synod appointed him deputy to the National Synod at Saumur, and the gathering at Loudun in 1596.
The club's early incarnation Olympique Saumur was formed in 1945 and played for approximately 44 years before dissolving as a result of a merger with amateur club SC Bagneux in nearby Bagneux.
He entered the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr on 15 November 1876 and left it in 1878, moving to the École d’application de cavalerie at Saumur.