The cast includes Bharat Jadhav, Sachin Patil, Sonalee Kulkarni, Sidharth Jadhav, Manwa Naik, Hemant Dhome, Kadambari Kadam, Maulik Bhatt, Pooja Sawant & Shubhangi Gokhale.
Pandharinath Sawant (Marathi: पंढरीनाथ सावंत ) is a journalist from the state of Maharashtra in India who worked closely with Prabodhankar Thackeray and Bal Thackeray.
Their descendants and the descendants of their generals are seen even today in Maharashtra, Goa and Karwar(Karnataka) as the Shelar and Sawant/Savant clan of the Kshatriya Marathas of the Konkan respectively.
Heavily influenced by Ram Gopal Varma, he made his directorial debut with D, which is about the meteroic rise of a fictional underworld don, Raj ( played by Randeep Hooda), which appears to be loosely based upon Dawood Ibrahim's career ( though Sawant denies it).