These were covered neck to toe in scale and/or lamellar articulated armour and were armed with a contus, a long heavy lance, as well as a sword.
According to the statement of Herodotus, the ancient Persians wore tunics with sleeves of diverse colours, having upon them iron scales of the shape of fish-scales; and this comparison leaves no doubt that scale armour, and not mail, is meant.
Richter magnitude scale | Under Armour | scale | Moment magnitude scale | armour | Fujita scale | Armour and Company | Tommy Armour | Scale model | Vehicle armour | scale model | Scale insect | Rostral scale | J. Ogden Armour | Scoville scale | Mercalli intensity scale | Leslie Armour | International Scale of River Difficulty | Beaufort scale | Synoptic scale meteorology | Supralabial scale | Small-scale agriculture | Richard Armour (poet) | Richard Armour | Rankine scale | moment magnitude scale | Medvedev–Sponheuer–Karnik scale | Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression | Armour (zoology) | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale |