-- leave redlink to prevent ambiguous "(genus)" -->, a scarab beetle genus of subfamily Melolonthinae
Hieroglyphs are incorporated in the antechamber decorations and the floor tiles depict a large scarab beetle.
The player must lead the band members to their "Scarab Escape Vehicle" (as featured on the cover) and protect the concert cash from "love-crazed" groupies, sneaky photographers, stage barriers and "shifty-eyed" promoters.
Assisting the player are roadies, which provided short periods of immunity to obstacles, and The Manager, inexplicably depicted as the Kool-Aid Man, which allowed the player to move to the Scarab completely unhindered.
Players do this primarily by shooting additional spheres from a winged scarab which they guide back and forth along the bottom of the screen.
OTR-21 Tochka, a Russian short-range ballistic missile with the NATO designation "SS-21 Scarab"
Remains were discovered that reflected habitation, usually temporary, during the Chalcolithic Period, the Bronze Age (including a Hyksos scarab), the Iron Age and the Roman era.