
12 unusual facts about Schindler

Double-sided disk

Some films like Schindler's List and Oliver! start on Side A and continue on Side B, and include a prompt for when to do so.

Emilie Schindler

These claims were disputed by Thomas Keneally, author of Schindler's Ark, who claims he had sent Emilie a cheque of his own, and that he had gotten into an argument with Rosenberg over this issue before Emilie angrily told Rosenberg to drop the subject.

Julian Scherner

In the film Schindler's List, Julian Scherner's character was played by Polish actor Andrzej Seweryn.

Marion's Triumph

When Schindler's List was recently screened for high school students in Oakland, California, they were reported to have heckled and laughed.

Milos Stankovic

As part of the British element in the United Nations presence in war-torn Bosnia, he ran a Schindler's List-type operation smuggling Serb and Croat families out of besieged Sarajevo.

Open matte

Many films over the years have used this technique, the most prominent of which include Schindler's List and Top Gun.

Schindler's Ark

The book tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a Nazi Party member who turns into an unlikely hero by saving 1,200 Jews from concentration camps all over Poland and Germany.

After the war, he is commemorated as Righteous among the Nations by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, but he is never seen as a conventionally virtuous character.

Poldek Pfefferberg, a Holocaust survivor, inspired Keneally to write Schindler's Ark.

Short Cuts

Altman was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Director (but lost to Steven Spielberg for Schindler's List) and shared a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay with Barhydt (lost to Steven Zaillian for Schindler's List).

Sonderaktion 1005

Schindler's List also depicts Aktion 1005 when Jewish prisoners were forced to exhume corpses for burning on open pyres.


His "Visages tristes" is about the Arab-Israeli conflict using samplings from the soundtrack of Schindler's List

Amon Goeth

Goeth's actions at Płaszów Labour Camp became internationally known through his depiction by British actor Ralph Fiennes in the 1993 film Schindler's List.

Andrew J. Kuehn

Mr. Kuehn developed trailers for films including the original Jaws, the Indiana Jones trilogy, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Schindler's List, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, The French Connection, The Sting, Funny Girl, Aliens, Top Gun, Back to the Future, JFK, and Witness.

Arena Publishing Co.

The journal featured articles and essays by the company's authors, like Garland and Schindler, plus early work by Frank Norris, Stephen Crane, and Upton Sinclair.

Computer Chronicles

Paul Schindler: Featured predominantly in software reviews, Schindler contributed to the series until the early 1990s.

ConAgra Foods

The board of directors are: Mogens C. Bay, Stephen G. Butler, Steven F. Goldstone, Joie A. Gregor, Rajive Johri, W. G. Jurgensen, Richard H. Lenny, Ruth Ann Marshall, Gary M. Rodkin, Andrew J. Schindler, and Kenneth E. Stinson.

Elina Löwensohn

Some of her notable roles are Diana Reiter in Schindler's List (1993), "Katya" in the 1994 Seinfeld TV show episode The Gymnast, Iris in Six Ways to Sunday (1997), and Anne Levels in The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998).

Emilie Schindler

Schindler lived with her pets for many years in her small house in San Vicente, 40 kilometres south-west of Buenos Aires.

Esther McCoy

This book was followed by others devoted to the Case Study Houses sponsored by Arts & Architecture, Schindler's fellow emigre Richard Neutra, and architect Craig Ellwood, among others.

Eugene Lazowski

Łazowski, the Polish 'Schindler', created a fake typhus epidemic in the town of Rozwadow and its vicinity and spared 8,000 Jews from Nazi persecution.

Ezra Dagan

In his career as a film artist, he has worked with Emmanuelle Devos (The Other Son), Ralph Fiennes (Schindler's List), Shmuel Shilo (Valdei Stalin) and Dori Ben-Zeev (Hasereth Festival Hayeladim).

Frank Dellaert

The 4D Cities project, developed by Dellaert and Grant Schindler with help from Sing Bing Kang of Microsoft Research, provides a way to look at a 3D model of a city over time.


Among them are Josef Mengele, the infamous doctor assigned to Auschwitz; Klaus Barbie, Gestapo Chief of Lyon; Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann's assistant; and Amon Göth, who was sentenced to death and hanged for committing mass murder during the liquidations of the ghettos at Tarnów and Krakow, the camp at Szebnie and the Plaszow camp, portrayed in the film Schindler's List.

Helen Jonas-Rosenzweig

Schindler made plans to open a munitions factory in Brněnec, Czechoslovakia, using the workers he had at Płaszów.

Actress Embeth Davidtz portrayed Helen Hirsch, a character based on Helen Jonas-Rosenzweig, in the Steven Spielberg film, Schindler's List.

Jardine Matheson

These include a number of Jardines’ long-standing businesses such as Jardine Engineering Corporation (JEC), Jardine Shipping Services, Jardine Aviation Services, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals, Jardine Schindler, Gammon Construction and Jardine Travel Group as well as more contemporary interests that reflect the demands of Asian consumers; among them Pizza Hut restaurants in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Vietnam, KFC franchises in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and Jardine OneSolution IT services.


During a promotional concert for the album, the band met Steven Spielberg, who invited them to perform at the “Survivors Reunion” concert in Jerusalem, Israel and during the Polish premier of the film Schindler’s List.

Liberty Science Center

Achievement and Impact - the largest exhibition on the subject of skyscrapers in the world - with artifacts from the World Trade Center, a walk along an I-Beam two stories above the exhibition floor, an earthquake-shake table, a glass-Schindler 400A mid-rise Traction elevator, which is open to show how the elevator moves, the machine room, and the pit, and much more.

Marvin Schindler

Schindler's leadership of Wayne State's Junior Year in Freiburg and Junior Year in Munich study-abroad programs (he served as director of both from 1975 to 1993) earned him the Bundesverdienstkreuz, erster Klasse, Germany's highest civilian honor.

Mokrzyszów, Tarnobrzeg

in 1829, Vienna decided to sell the village, which was in 1835 purchased by Antoni Teodor Schindler from Moravia.


Namık Kemal Yolga (1914–2001), Turkish diplomat and statesman, known as the Turkish Schindler

Night of the Dead Living

The Salt Lake Tribune writer Harold Schindler praised the episode, particularly the "excellent writing, great acting and super atmosphere".

Osmar Schindler

He lost his father at an early age, and so with the support of his uncle, Schindler attended the Dresden Art Academy where he was taught by Ferdinand Pauwels and Leon Pohle with attending students including Sascha Schneider, Hans Unger and Richard Müller.

Osmar Schindler was born on December 22, 1869 in the village of Burkhardtsdorf but grew up in the small town of Bischofswerda (both part of the German Empire), 33 km east of Dresden.

Schindler Group

On October 31, 2012, a 63-year-old woman at a hotel in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, was crushed to death between the ceiling and the floor, when the Schindler elevator started moving while the door was still open.

Currently, Schindler Elevator Corporation, the United States operations of Schindler Group, is based in Morristown, New Jersey.

On June 3, 2006, a Schindler elevator in Minato, Tokyo, started ascending while the door was open.


Other mourners in the scene include the widow of Itzhak Stern, accompanied by the actor who portrayed her husband in the film, Ben Kingsley; Schindler's widow, Emilie Schindler; and the actor who portrays Schindler himself in the film, Liam Neeson.

Shreepati Arcade

There are six Swiss Schindler's lifts, high speed elevators of up to 4 metres per second, which take only 35 seconds to go from Ground to 45th Flr.

The Imperial 3

The Building will have 27 high speed elevators which would be provided by Schindler, which has also provided elevators to the its sister building The Imperial Towers.