Cephalaria species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Schinia imperialis, which feeds exclusively on C. procera.
Schinia | Schinia volupia | Schinia trifascia | Schinia tertia | Schinia sanguinea | Schinia masoni | Schinia bina | Schinia scarletina | Schinia olivacea | Schinia jaguarina | Schinia biundulata |
Antennaria species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora pappiferella (which feeds exclusively on A. dioica) and Schinia verna (which feeds exclusively on Antennaria spp).
Chrysothamnus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora linosyridella, Coleophora viscidiflorella (which have both been recorded on C. viscidiflorus) and Schinia walsinghami.
Erigeron species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Bucculatrix angustata, Coleophora squamosella (which feeds exclusively on E. acris), Schinia intermontana, Schinia obscurata (both of which also feed exclusively on Erigeron), Schinia sexata (which feeds exclusively on E. glabellus) and Schinia villosa.
Gilia cana is used as an exclusive food plant by the larvae of the Lepidoptera species Schinia biundulata.