
unusual facts about Schwarzenberg/Erzgeb.

Alfredo Nigro

Nigro 'performed at the prestigious Festival of Schubert in Schwarzenberg (Austria) at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris and at the Vilnius Opera Festival, Toronto Opera Festival, Saint Petersburg (Russia),Tokyo, Kyoto, Madrid and others.


A circular path leads around the shore, and the "Fürstenstrasse" (Princes' Road) leads from Hohenschwangau over the Schwarzenberg ridge and down to Pinswang in the Lechtal.

Angelica Kauffman

Kauffman was born at Chur in Graubünden, Switzerland, where her father was working for the local bishop but grew up in Schwarzenberg in Vorarlberg/Austria where her family originated.

Battle of Bar-sur-Aube

Schwarzenberg tested that assumption by advancing upon Bar-sur-Aube (in part because Alexander I of Russia and Frederick William III of Prussia wanted him to do so), and on the twenty-sixth Napoleon ordered Oudinot to follow Schwarzenberg to the town, near Troyes.

Battle of Saint-Dizier

Blücher, therefore, marched from Rheims to Châlons, Schwarzenberg from Arcis-sur-Aube to Vitry, in search of Napoleon: instead of falling back before him at some distance from one another, and thus giving Napoleon plenty of room, as he had expected, they boldly formed a junction of their several divisions behind him.

Bernhard von Heß

before he joined the Landwehr of Fulda in 1913, and took part in the campaigns under Prince Schwarzenberg in France.


The community stretches from the valley of the river Schwarzwasser up to the Spiegelwald (forest) at 728 m above sea level, thereby offering a good view over the Ore Mountain towns of Aue and Schwarzenberg.

"Ore Mountains’ Balcony": view from Bernsbach on Schwarzenberg, Lauter and Aue (from left to right)


Breitenbrunn, Saxony, in the district of Aue-Schwarzenberg, Saxony, Germany

Gesellschaft der Associierten

Jones, David Wyn (2009) "Schwarzenberg, Prince Joseph (Johann Nepomuk Anton Carl)," article (by Jones) in David Wyn Jones (ed.) Oxford Composer Companions: Haydn.

Heinrich Obersteiner

Makroskopische Untersuchung des Zentralnervensystems, in Alberhalden's Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden, part 8, T. 1; Berlin and Vienna, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1924 - Macroscopic examination of the central nervous system.


On the top of the mountain there is a viewing tower built in 1825 by the noble family of Schwarzenberg.

Joseph Breinl

He has appeared at the Munich Opera Festival, the aforementioned Klavierfestival, the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg, Austria, and at the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival.


The village may be reached by railway on the ZwickauAueSchwarzenberg–Johanngeorgenstadt line and by car along Staatsstraße 272 which runs from Schwarzenberg via Johanngeorgenstadt to Wildenthal.


Lauter, Saxony, town in the district of Aue-Schwarzenberg, Saxony, Germany

Ore Mountain folk art

The centre for the manufacture of Ore Mountain folk art lies in the region around the village of Seiffen, which is also known as the Toy Corner (Spielzeugwinkel).

Ore Mountain Toy Museum, Seiffen

At the beginning of the 1930s there were attempts in the Seiffen region to create a central industrial exhibition.


;Seiffen (Germany): In Seiffen near the church are two neighbouring sink-holes up to 34 metres deep above the old tin mine that are called the Geyerin and Neuglücker Stockwerkspinge.

Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg

Schwarzenberg formed a new government with conservative politicians like Interior Minister Count Franz von Stadion but also liberal allies like Baron Alexander von Bach, Karl Ludwig von Bruck and Anton von Schmerling as well as the Bohemian federalist Education Minister Count Leopold von Thun und Hohenstein.

The honorary citizenship of Budapest bestowed on Schwarzenberg during his lifetime was officially revoked in 2011 by the local government under Mayor István Tarlós.


Reifendrehen is a unique type of toy manufacture using wood turning techniques that was developed in the Ore Mountains in the vicinity of the town of Seiffen and continues there to the present day.

Saxon XIV HT

Two locomotives have been preserved: number 75 501 by the German Steam Locomotive Museum at Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg, which was loaned to the Schwarzenberg railway museum in 2002 and number 75 515 by the Saxon Railway Museum in Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf, which was badly damaged in a shunting accident on 14 June 1983 at Karl-Marx-Stadt Hauptbahnhof.

Wooden toymaking in the Ore Mountains

Production is concentrated today in the toymaking village of Seiffen and its surrounding area in the middle of the so-called "German Christmas Land" as the Ore Mountains are called.

see also