The Bekenstein entropy is proportional to the black hole mass squared; because the Schwarzschild radius is proportional to the mass, the Bekenstein entropy is proportional to the black hole's surface area. In fact,
However, the pulsar is spinning at a quarter of the speed of light at the equator, and its radius is only three times more than its Schwarzschild radius.
which is the extra distance the light has to travel, where is the Schwarzschild radius.
Schwarzschild radius | radius | Karl Schwarzschild Observatory | Radius (bone) | radius (bone) | RADIUS | Radius | Stability radius | Shimon Schwarzschild | Radius (computing) | Radius (computer) | Martin Schwarzschild | Blast Radius |
A Planck particle, named after physicist Max Planck, is a hypothetical particle defined as a tiny black hole whose Compton wavelength is equal to its Schwarzschild radius.
While opinions vary as to its proper definition, the most common definition of a Planck particle is a particle whose Compton wavelength is equal to its Schwarzschild radius.
For sufficiently small M, the reduced Compton wavelength (, where ħ is Reduced planck constant) exceeds half the Schwarzschild radius, and no black hole description exists.