
11 unusual facts about Schweizer brothers

Schweizer SGS 1-21

It was designed by Ernest Schweizer and first announced in the September-October 1946 issue of the Soaring Society of America's Soaring magazine.

Schweizer SGS 1-23

There was only one "C" model built for the designer Paul A Schweizer specifically to fly in the 1952 World Gliding Championships held in Madrid, Spain.

Schweizer SGS 1-24

The 1-24 was loaned to Paul A. Schweizer to compete in the 1957 US Nationals, which were held in Elmira, New York.

The aircraft was constructed as a spare time project by Howie Burr and Ernest Schweizer to produce a competition sailplane.

Schweizer SGS 1-26

Paul A Schweizer was a proponent of the One-Design concept and the 1-26 as the aircraft by which to establish a one-design class in the US.

Schweizer SGS 1-29

The 1-29 was flown in at least three US national competitions by Paul A Schweizer, Bill Ivans and Tom Smith.

Schweizer SGS 2-12

On November 4, 1945 Frank Hurtt and Paul A. Schweizer broke the multi-place duration record in a TG-3A.

Schweizer SGS 2-25

Schweizer Aircraft supplied all the gliders for the US team: the sole Schweizer SGS 1-23E was purpose built for Paul MacCready, a Schweizer SGS 1-23D for Paul A Schweizer and the SGS 2-25 to be flown by Stan Smith and Bob Kidder.

Schweizer SGS 2-8

In late 1937 the Airhoppers Gliding Club of Long Island, New York approached the Schweizer brothers to see about the design of a Schweizer two-place glider specifically for training purposes.

Schweizer SGU 1-19

The single place version was the 1-19 and the two place was designated as the SGU 2-22, both designed by Ernest Schweizer.

Schweizer SGU 1-6

None of the winning designs in the Eaton Contest proved to be as easy to construct as was envisioned by the contest organizers and the lessons learned from the contest lead the Schweizer brothers to start with a clean sheet design for their next effort.