
3 unusual facts about Sciacca

Cataldo Amodei

He was born in Sciacca and in 1685 was ordained as a priest; in the same year he became maestro di cappella at the church of San Paolo Maggiore, Naples.

Michele Abruzzo

Born in Sciacca, Abbruzzo made his debut on stage at 12 years old.

Stefano Cusumano

Born in Sciacca (Sicily), he holds a law degree and has worked as an entrepreneur and as a journalist.


Sciacca |

Luigi Barbesino

When World War II began, Barbesino abandoned football to serve as a Major observer in the Regia Aeronautica, flying in Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 trimotors of 194ª squadriglia bombardamento terrestre (193rd bomb squadron) based with the rest of 20° Stormo (20th wing) on Sciacca airfield in Sicily.

Team IntaRacing

The team was owned by Daniel Tzvetkoff and Sam Sciacca who are associated with major sponsor IntaBill, and technical support from Triple 8 Race Engineering, from whom the team acquired a Ford BF Falcon race car to utilise in their debut season.

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