
unusual facts about Sculpin

Aquarium of the Bay

The Aquarium also has skates, bat rays and thousands of other animals including eels, flatfish, rockfish, Wrasse, Gobies, Kelpfish, Pricklebacks, Ronquil, Sculpin and Sturgeons.


Sculpin |

Aggregating anemone

The few known predators of Anthopleura elegantissima include the nudibranch Aeolidia papillosa, leather star Dermasterias imbricata and mosshead sculpin Clinocottus globiceps.

Blepsias cirrhosus

Blepsias cirrhosus also known as the silverspotted sculpin is a scorpaeniform marine fish in the sea raven family Hemitripteridae, they are native to the northern Pacific Ocean from the Sea of Japan, Alaska to San Miguel Island off southern California.

Cedar sculpin

The cedar sculpin is a small, large-headed species of cottid that is found in the Coeur d'Alene and St. Joe rivers in northern Idaho, and in a stretch of the Clark Fork river in western Montana.

Sailfin sculpin

The sailfin sculpin (Nautichthys oculofasciatus, lit. "eye-banded sailor fish") is a species of scorpaeniform marine fish in the sea raven family Hemitripteridae, native to the eastern Pacific Ocean from St. Lawrence Island, Alaska to San Miguel Island off southern California.

Timavo Sculpin

The Timavo sculpin, Cottus scaturigo, is a freshwater species of fish that is found only in Timavo Spring in Italy.

see also