
4 unusual facts about Scylla

Astoria Park

In 2001, the two features were named after Scylla and Charybdis, two water hazards of the Odyssey, after Henry Stern petitioned to the federal government to rename what was then known as "Negro Point".

Christoph De Babalon

Christoph's last release was Scylla & Charybdis, based on the Greek myth of two beautiful women who were cursed to become sea monsters.

White spot syndrome

Many crustaceans like crabs (Scylla spp., Portunus spp.), spiny lobsters (Panulirus spp.), crayfish (Astacus spp., Cherax spp.) and freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium spp.) are reported to be infected with variable severities depending on the life stage of the host and presence of external stressors (temperature, salinity, bacterial diseases, pollutants).

Wishbone and the Amazing Odyssey

The game then passes through the cave of Polyphemus, Aeaea and Circe, Scylla or Charybdis, Thrinacia and finally home to Ithaca, where the player must win an archery contest to win Penelope.

David Gurr

His works include: Troika (1979), A Woman Called Scylla (1981), The Action of the Tiger (1984), An American Spy Story (1984), On the Endangered List (1985), The Ring Master (1987) plus various thrillers under pseudonyms; two stage plays: Leonora (1984) and The Ring Play: An Evening with Hitler (1991); and he was co-author for two screen plays (with George Cosmatos).

Duke of Dorset

The plot line of David Gurr's thriller "A Woman Called Scylla" assumes fictionally that the Dukedom of Dorset did not become extinct but survived into the Twentieth Century.

Scylla et Glaucus

Circé eventually turns Scylla to stone in the form of the famous rock in the Strait of Messina, beside the whirlpool of Charybdis.

Thomas Brownrigg

He then became commanding officer of HMS Scylla for D-Day itself, whilst also serving as Flag Captain for the Eastern Task Force during the landings.

see also